Helping you get what you want in life—and then enjoy it.
Invest in your relationship with yourself
We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. I’ll teach you how to acknowledge your mistakes or misdeeds with kindness- and see beyond the distorting lens of harsh self-judgment. And science shows that people who are kind to themselves are kinder to others. You were created to BeWorthy just as you are!
Improve your relationship with others
Be your best self, alone and with others, and cultivate deep and lasting friendships and relationships. At the core, many of us fear rejection and ostracism- this is an innate survival need as animals estranged from the group faced probable death. But we’re not in the wild! I’ll help you develop secure, successful, and positive relationships free from unhelpful worry, judgement, and anger.
Ignite your passion for health & fitness
Bodybuilding competitions might not be your thing, but the point is that setting a physical wellness goal grounds you to a plan and points the arrow forward. We’ll explore current obstacles such as stress, negative core beliefs, or self-defeating thoughts and find ways through them. Don’t wait until tomorrow! As a famous proverb says, “Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.”
“After years of being stuck on the same issue, I was so lucky to find Beverly, who quickly helped me identify and solve the underlying problem getting in my way. The light finally went on, and it’s still on.”
—Brad W.
My work is built on a holistic strengths-based approach inspired by positive psychology, mindfulness, spirituality, and neurobiology. I help you learn to "BeWorthy" of dignity and respect just as you are. Whether you want to improve self-worth or self-confidence, strengthen relationships, get healthy, master positive parenting skills, solve seemingly insoluble problems, or cultivate lasting happiness, I’m here to help. Give yourself credit - because taking this first step is a strength in itself. Contact me so we can determine which service, life coaching or therapy, is right for you.
Try a mini session for free and see if it’s right for you.
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.